Dr. Zogg's Amazing CBD

Dr. Zogg's Amazing CBD
Dr. Zogg's Amazing CBD builds its brand and customer base through a targeted social media campaign and innovative partnerships.
Dr. Zogg’s Amazing CBD must stay compliant with the rapidly-changing federal regulation landscape and expand its audience through targeted social media campaigns and innovative partnerships putting its products in front of target audiences.
M&C helps Dr. Zogg's design a social media kickoff campaign to educate interested consumers on incorporating. THC-free CBD sprays into an active, healthy self-care lifestyle. Partnerships with local retailers and sporting outlets help bring CBD into mainstream health and wellness conversations.
A targeted, methodical social media campaign and vendor partnerships helped launch Dr. Zogg's into retail sales, featuring:
102,000+ social media impressions
3,800+ message engagements during a 3-month campaign
~400 click-throughs to access more product information